Sunday, May 11, 2008

Consequences of the One-Child Policy in China

So. Everybody knows that China, at the moment, is one of the most populated countries in the world.

There may be way too much people one plot of land and the conditions for living aren't that great. China wouldn't exactly be third world but I think may have too many people and too little money to support the rapid growth in population.

And with populated countries would come a time when somebody would come along and solve the problem?

Obviously, there came positive and negative consequences as a result of this. The consequences are far-reaching, varied and all different in their own ways. But there are a few that are common that are mentioned not only in the linked article but other future linked articles.

* P O S I T I V E S *
-> Supposed but not proven positive contribution (or lack thereof) to the emission of Carbon Dioxide/the greenhouse gases.
-> Economy growth - the ability to maintain and control the country's population/slow the population growth.
-> The chance and ability for the one-child to have a more healthier, perfect(?), sustained and better life with the benefits of pledging to having only the one child.

* N E G A T I V E S *
-> Increased the want of male infants on the belief (and sort of fact) that males are able to pass on the family name while girls can't..
--> which this leads to the not-so-common now but was in the past, female infanticide and sex-specific selection and termination of pregnancies.
--> and also the problem of the male/female population imbalance.
--> which leads to the problem of Chinese men in China not able to marry.
-> Forced abortions/abuse. Although not that common now, still happening. Just maybe not widely public? (don't quote me on that!)

So those are just the common consequences and mentioned in the articles that I have gathered. There may be more different consequences but... from the above collation of consequences, I think the negatives far outweigh the positives and the negative consequences, (I don't know if it is just me but,) seem to trigger even more consequences..

Pretty much the coming blog entries will be structured somewhere along the below lines:
  • Introduction/Links (this entry)
  • Consequences
    • Positive
    • Negative
  • Effectiveness - Has it worked? Has it achieved its goals?
  • The future - What's going to happen now? What The Govt. Has In Store.
Again, I hope you enjoy reading this blog.

This has definitely taken a while to get started but.... I have done it! ^^


hk.c said...

I think one can definitely argue that the methods of applying the OCP (one child policy) is highly illiberal and violates the Universal Human Rights of the Chinese citizens - rural and urban.

Unfortuntely, there isn't much that one can do, because in the end the People's Republic of China has full sovereign rights to do what ever it wants - and it would be extremely difficult to dislodge its ways of doing things, considering it is one of the top five UN Security Council members.

The truth is, many other governments do have policies that are questionable and 'unfair'. Like the Islamic world and their inherent misogynistic attitudes; the USA and their policies towards the ghettoes and the lower socio-economic states - following a federal system, these poorer areas are literally left to fend for themselves; or Australia and their recently changed policies towards the Aboriginal peoples, legally treating them as 'sub-humans.'

I'm not saying that the OCP is fair or acceptable just that we need to remember that China is a considerably different environment with different rules than the one that I, at least, grew up and live in. And I can't possibly be expected to understand the reasons for the one child policy because my mentality, particularly regarding the issue, is evidently completely different than theirs. And they are the one who do deal with the problem of overpopulation.

Maggie said...


Yes. I definitely agree with your last paragraph in that we don't fully understand the situation of the OCP because of our different thoughts and mentality and how we were bought up (in a totally different and other country).

And of course, it could also explain why we don't get the idea of them choosing to want a boy over a girl.

It definitely overall comes down to our different mentality, environment and not knowing and experiencing the situation firsthand.